The Land Registry and Cadastral Office (LRCO) presents the Parcel Inquiry application

The Land Registry and Cadastral Office has introduced an application developed for iOS and Android devices for parcel inquiries and land registry details. Previously this information was only available through the official web site.
The application allows users to access important cadastral information harmonized with title deed data within the scope of MEGSIS (Spatial Property System).

The application displays the following details based on various inquiry criteria for parcels in Turkey:

  • Administrative Inquiry (in the hierarchy of a Province, District, Parish, Parcel, Plot).
  • Address Inquiry (based on the address details fed into the system).
  • Coordinate inquiry (based on coordinate values fed into the system).
  • Inquiry based on the map (based on the coordinates selected on the map).

The application also displays the following information for the inquired parcels:

  • Feature (attribute) details
  • Details about province, district, parish, lot and parcel
  • Surface area details
  • Section details
  • Location details
  • Quality and nature description
  • Geographical data
  • Information about coordinates.
Please click the icons in order to download the application.




Yardım Merkezi